First, I apologize for the lack of dreams. Second, last night was crazy.
I was at my aunt & uncle's house (both are deceased). I was having a costume party. Jewel Staite comes up to me and hands me the pink cupcake dress from the Firefly episode "Shindig." I'm thinking "sweet, now I have something to wear at the Renaissance Festival!"
My party continues with the arrival of Jay Baruchel. Instead of partying and having a good time with the rest of us he attempts to molest me. I kick him out then call the cops when he tries to come back. I go back to the party to find my aunt, uncle and grandmother all alive and eating pie. Awesome.
Next I'm at a water park with some friends from high school, Ashley and Brad. They want to see how long I can hold my breath underwater so Ashley grabs my neck and holds me under. I try to fight my way back up (I mean, it's only 4 feet of water) but end up passing out. Ashley pulls me up and Brad puts me on the side of the pool but no one does CPR. So I die.
Thankfully at that point I wake up. I hate drowning dreams.